What is ThermiVa®?

ThermiVa® uses heat therapy delivered via radio frequency (RF) waves to promote collagen synthesis, shrinkage and tightening of female tissues. ThermiVa® offers a smart and alternative choice for female rejuvenation that is nonsurgical, noninvasive and pain-free.

ThermiVa® is a nonsurgical way to help shrink and tighten female tissues.

What can you expect before and after treatment?

  • ThermiVa® is a pain-free treatment that takes about 30 minutes. You may go back to your regular lifestyle right afterward, as there is no downtime.
  • We recommend three treatments, six weeks apart, and yearly maintenance treatments.

What are the benefits?

  • Vaginal laxity, vulvar/labial laxity
  • Vaginal/vulvar dryness or atrophy
  • Mild to moderate stress incontinence
  • Improves sexual comfort